
Blood from 10 normal healthy adults and cord blood from 8 healthy full term infants were infiltrated through a mixture sulfoethylethycellulose-Sephadex G 25 in order to eliminate the platelets and the leukocytes. Then the erythrocytes were fractionated into young and old cells by centrifugation in microhematocrit tubes. The enzyme activity and the immunologic reactivity of glucose phosphate isomerase (EC., phosphoglycerate kinase (EC., pyruvate kinase (ec., glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC., and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (EC. were measured in every fraction. As previously reported, the enzyme activities were far higher in cord blood than in adult blood red cells; nevertheless, the age-related loss of enzyme activity was similar in both cord and adult blood. The decrease of the enzyme activity of glucose phosphate isomerase and phosphoglycerate kinase in old cells was singly associated with a lowered concentration of the enzyme-related antigen; by contrast, the age-related decrease of the enzyme activity of pyruvate kinase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase was associated with both a lowered concentration of the enzyme-related antigen and a lowered "molecular specific activity" (i.e., a lowered ratio of enzyme activity to enzyme-related antigen concentration). This phenomenon was especially marked for pyruvate kinase, which had a molecular specific activity in old cells that was 68% of that in young cells. Phosphofructokinase had a lower enzyme activity in cord blood erythrocytes than in adult blood erythrocytes; the difference was especially important in old cells from infants in which phosphofructokinase activity was 53% of that in old cells from adults. Phosphofructokinase from old cells of full term infants and from unfractionated cells from two premature infants (21 and 32 weeks of gestation) was less neutralized by anti-muscle phosphofructokinase serum and more inhibited by ATP than the enzyme from adult blood erythrocytes.

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