
The literature is filled with citations reporting an increased incidence of chronic dry eye disease, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's Syndrome, systemic sclerosis and lupus. As the most environmentally exposed mucosal surface of the body, the conjunctiva constantly responds to environmental challenges which are typically self limited, but when persistent and unresolved may provoke pathogenic innate and adaptive immune reactions.Our understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms by which systemic autoimmune diseases cause dry eye inducing ocular surface inflammation continues to evolve. Conjunctival immune tone responds to self or foreign danger signals (including desiccating stress) on the ocular surface with an initial non-specific innate inflammatory response. If unchecked, this can lead to activation of dendritic cells that present antigen and prime T and B cells resulting in an adaptive immune reaction. These reactions generally resolve, but dysfunctional, hyper-responsive immune cells found in systemic autoimmune diseases that are recruited to the ocular surface can amplify inflammatory stress responses in the ocular surface and glandular tissues and result in autoimmune reactions that disrupt tear stability and lead to chronic dry eye disease. We here propose that unique features of the ocular surface immune system and the impact of systemic immune dysregulation in autoimmune diseases, can predispose to development of dry eye disease, and exacerbate severity of existing dry eye.

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