
Skin tags (ST) are the most common fibro-epithelial skin tumors. They are tumors of the middle-aged and elderly people. However, in women, the age of 50 is suggested to be the turning point of life at which the development of skin tags comes to a stop. A major event that occurs around this period of life is menopause/andropause, after menopause, estrogen receptors amounts decrease significantly. Estrogen receptors (ER) and androgen receptors (AR) are members of the steroid receptor gene superfamily. Estrogen receptors positivity has been demonstrated in most skin tumors by both histochemical and biochemical assays.This study aimed to assess the role of estrogen and androgen receptors in the development of skin tags by assessment of their immunohistochemical expression. Twenty five patients were included in this study. Snip excision of skin tags was done for each patient, punch biopsy from adjacent sites from skin tags have been taken as perilesional skin biopsy only for twelve patients. Histopathology was performed to confirm the diagnosis. Immunohistochemical staining was done to detect ER and AR for skin tags, perilesional skin, and control normal skin.Immunohistochemical staining for ER was positive in 64% of skin tag cases and AR were positive in 60% of them. There was a statistically significant difference in ER and AR staining pattern between skin tags, perilesional skin and normal skin. It could be concluded that ST correlated positively with ER and AR immunohistochemical staining which may implicate a role for them in the pathogenesis of skin tags.

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