
The self-incompatibility system in Brassica is controlled by the S-locus, which contains S-receptor kinase (SRK) and S-locus protein 11 (SP11). SRK and SP11 control stigma and pollen S-haplotype specificity, respectively. SP11 binding to SRK induces the autophosphorylation of SRK, which triggers the signaling cascade that results in the rejection of self-pollen. The localization of SP11 protein during pollen development and pollination, however, have never been demonstrated. In this study, we examined the localization of S(8)-SP11 protein in the anther or pollinated stigma by immuno-electron microscopy. The immunostaining suggested that S(8)-SP11 was secreted from the tapetal cell into the anther locule as a cluster and translocated to the pollen surface at the early developmental stage of the anther. During the pollination process, SP11 was translocated from the pollen surface to the papilla cell, and then penetrated the cuticle layer of the papilla cell to diffuse across the pectin cellulose layer. Furthermore, SP11 protein could only penetrate the cuticle layer of the papilla cell in the presence of pollen grains, and could not penetrate on its own. This suggests that another factor from the pollen grain is needed for SP11 protein to penetrate the papilla cell wall.

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