
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry in nerves of the male genital tract of Phodopus sungorus at long (LD 16:8) und short (LD 8:16) photoperiods. No immunoreactive nerve fibres could be demonstrated in the testis, caput and corpus epididymidis and the ventral prostate gland. Dense networks of NPY-containing nerve fibers were demonstrated in the smooth muscle layer of the sperm-transporting duct, beginning in the cauda epididymidis with increasing density towards the distal part of the ductus deferens, and in the smooth muscle layer of the seminal vesicles. At short photoperiods, the density of the NPY-containing nerve plexus decreased only in the smooth muscle layer of the ductus deferens. A "trophic" influence of the large smooth muscle cells of the ductus deferens on their nerves not only in regard to their noradrenaline, but also on their NPY content is discussed.

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