
The present study was undertaken to examine the localization of calbindin D28k (CB)-like immunoreactivity (-LI) during the root formation of the rat molar. In the adult rat, CB-LI was detected in some of the cells of the epithelial rest of Malassez at the bifurcational region and in certain cells between the root dentin and cementum at the apical region. These cells had indented nuclei and many tonofilaments, and cementocytes lacked CB-LI. Moreover, CB-LI was observed in the periodontal fibroblasts in the alveolar half of the apical region. During root formation, the cells in the Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS) lacked CB-LI, but most fragmented cells along the root surface began to express CB-LI when HERS was disrupted. Preodontoblasts and odontoblasts at the apical portion of the root also showed CB-LI. After the formation of cellular cementum, the CB-immunoreactive (-IR) cells were entrapped between the root dentin and cementum in the apical portion of the root. The number of CB-IR cells at the root surface decreased gradually, while that between the root dentin and cementum increased. The fibroblasts in the periodontal ligament began to express CB-LI after commencement of the occlusion, and the number and the staining intensity of CB-IR fibroblasts increased gradually with the passage of time. The present results suggest that CB may play an important role in the survival of the epithelial cells, in the cellular responses of periodontal fibroblasts against mechanical forces caused by the occlusion, and in the initial mineralization by the odontoblasts through the regulation of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration.

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