
Deficits of GABAergic transmission have been reported to occur in tissue surrounding ischemic cortical lesions between a few days and several weeks after the insult. In the present experiments, we used immunohistochemistry with antibodies aagainst parvalbumin and two major subunits of the GABA A receptor (α1, α2) to characterize the events that underlie these changes at different levels of circuit organization. Neocortical infarcts (∼2 mm diameter) consistently affecting medial parts of the primary somatosensory cortex were induced photochemically in adult male Wistar rats; animals were allowed to recover for one week before perfusion–fixation. When compared to controls the pattern of immunoreactivity had changed for the α1 subunit of the GABA A receptor seven days after the insult. Ipsilateral to the ischemic lesions, we found a decrease in staining intensity reaching up to 4 mm laterally, resulting in a partial or complete absence of the normal laminar staining pattern. No consistent changes were observed for the α2 subunit. Parvalbumin staining revealed pathological alterations in a rim of tissue surrounding the infarct, measuring up to 1 mm from the border of the infarcts. Parvalbumin-positive interneurons in this region showed signs of degeneration; both a reduction of the number of dendrites and, to a lesser extent and only immediately adjacent to the ischemic lesions, a reduction of the number of parvalbumin-positive neurons was readily apparent. The results provide evidence for both a differential regulation of two GABA A receptor subunits and degenerative changes of parvalbumin-containing interneurons ipsilateral to cortical infarcts. The relevance of these findings for mechanisms underlying long-term recovery, transient functional deficits and postinfarct seizures warrants further investigation.

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