
The presence of immunoglobulins in the thickened basement membrane (BM) of aging strial capillaries was investigated as a possible indicator of autoimmunity in the genesis of atypical BM. Cochleas from young and old Mongolian gerbils raised in quiet were examined by immunostaining at the light microscopic level for IgG and IgM and for the BM components laminin (La) and type IV collagen (IV-C). Another age-graded series of cochleas was stained for IgG at the ultrastructural level. No immunoreactive IgG was detected in specimens from animals less than 6 months old. In contrast, 2 of 12 cochleas from 20- to 28-month-old gerbils and 11 of 20 cochleas from gerbils 30 months or older showed positive staining for IgG in strial capillary BM. IgM was not detected at any age. At the electron microscope level, no immunoreactive IgG was detected in the stria of cochleas younger than 30 months. However, labeling demonstrative of IgG was observed in the thickened BM of some strial capillaries in all six cochleas from gerbils older than 33 months. Lysosome-like granules in endothelial cells and the superiormost marginal cells also stained for content of IgG as did fibrillar material in edematous regions in the intrastrial space. In addition to showing accumulation of IgG, the findings confirm our prior demonstration of increased La deposition in the thickened strial capillary BM of all cochleas from old gerbils. The BM alterations appear confined to strial capillaries in old gerbils, since morphological observations and immunostaining for La and IgG failed to detect changes in BMs at any other site in a wide survey of aged gerbil organs including vessels in other regions of the affected cochleas. The results point more towards the development of an age-dependent permeability to IgG selectively in strial capillaries than to autoimmunity as an explanation of the IgG in BM.

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