
Immunohistochemistry has been applied to the cells of the pars tuberalis (PT) of the pituitary gland of three species of Indian wild birds (Halcyon smyrnensis perpulchra, Lonchura striata striata, Dicrurus adsimilis macrocercus). As in the pars distalis (PD), five types of immunoreactive cells (gonadotropic, GTH; thyrotropic, TSH; lactotropic/prolactin, PRL; growth hormone/somatotropic, STH; and cortico-melanotropic, ACTH/MSH cells) are present in the PT of these birds. In addition to the GTH cells, immunoreactive TSH, PRL, STH, and ACTH/MSH cells are present in the avian PT. The GTH cells are the predominant cell population of the PT. Other immunoreactive cells, though less numerous, are also present, unlike their inconsistent occurrence in several mammalian PTs. Though immunologically related, the PT cells distinctly differ from their counterparts in the PD with regard to their morphology, intensity of immunoreaction, and cellular arrangement.

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