
The distribution of vasotocin-like peptides in the central nervous system of the cartilaginous fish Scyliorhinus canicula was determined by indirect immunofluorescence and peroxidase anti-peroxidase techniques, using a specific antiserum raised in rabbits against synthetic vasotocin. Immunoreactive perikarya were mainly detected in the anterior hypothalamus, within the midcaudal part of the preoptic nucleus. The most rostral positive cell bodies were located in the dorso-lateral parts of the preoptic area, whereas at a more caudal level, they took a ventro-medial position within the deepest layers of the nucleus. Throughout the preoptic region these cells varied in shape according to their location. Occasionally, scattered vasotocin-like immunopositive cells were also identified in the nucleus periventricularis hypothalami. Vasotocin immunoreactivity was detected in numerous varicose nerve fibers of the preopticohypophysial tract. These fibers were seen to course through the medio-basal hypothalamus and caudally, after having passed the hypophysial stem, they reached the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. Numerous immunoreactive fibers were also observed within the rostro-medial region of the median eminence. At this level the fibers were in close proximity to the capillary loops. In the preoptic region, some stained cells exibited short processes that appeared to contact non-reactive perikarya. By comparing the distribution of vasotocin- and corticotropin-releasing factor immunoreactivity on adjacent then serial sections, it was revealed that these peptides, in S. canicula, do not coexist in the same perikarya. The present results, are compared with those obtained in other vertebrate groups, and their possible functional implications are discussed.

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