
To determine if rat kidney Na+, K+-ATPase can be localized by immunoperoxidase staining after fixation and embedding, we prepared rabbit antiserum to purified lamb kidney medulla Na+, K+-ATPase. When sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide electrophoretic gels of purified lamb kidney Na+, K+-ATPase and rat kidney microsomes were treated with antiserum (1:200), followed by [125I]-Protein A and autoradiography, the rat kidney microsomes showed a prominent radioactive band coincident with the alpha-subunit of the purified lamb kidney enzyme and a fainter radioactive band which corresponded to the beta-subunit. When the Na+, K+-ATPase antiserum was used for immunoperoxidase staining of paraffin and plastic sections of rat kidney fixed with Bouin's, glutaraldehyde, or paraformaldehyde, intense immunoreactive staining was present in the distal convoluted tubules, subcapsular collecting tubules, thick ascending limb of the loops of Henle, and papillary collecting ducts. Proximal convoluted tubules stained faintly, and the thin portions of the loops of Henle, straight descending portions of proximal tubules, and outer medullary collecting ducts did not stain. Staining was confined to basolateral surfaces of tubular epithelial cells. No staining was obtained with preimmune serum or primary antiserum absorbed with purified lamb kidney Na+, K+-ATPase, or with osmium tetroxide postfixation. We conclude that the basolateral membranes of the distal convoluted tubules and ascending thick limb of the loops of Henle are the major sites of immunoreactive Na+, K+-ATPase concentration in the rat kidney.

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