
Mullerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) has been localized in the Sertoli cells of the neonatal calf testis using preembedding immunoperoxidase techniques and a monoclonal antibody which almost completely blocks the biological activity of MIS. Both the peroxidase-labeled antibody method using a peroxidase-conjugated F(ab')2 fragment of IgG as a second antibody and the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method using Fab fragments of the PAP complex were employed. With both methods, MIS was demonstrated within the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the Golgi apparatus. In the Golgi, MIS was concentrated in the transmost cisternae especially at their peripheral expansions. This study indicates that MIS is synthesized in the RER and transported to the Golgi apparatus, presumably for glycosidation, before secretion from Golgi derived vacuoles.

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