
Abstract To determine whether albumin is present on adult worms of Wuchereria bancrofti, thin sections of resin-embedded parasites were incubated with a specific antiserum to human albumin. With the exception of the epicuticle, all layers of the cuticle and the hypodermis were intensely labeled. Concentration of gold particles was observed within infoldings of the hypodermal membrane. Moderate labeling of the thin basement membrane that lines the pseudocelomic cavity and the gonoduct was also observed. Within the uterus, ovular membranes labeled intensely; groups of organized particles were seen below ovular membranes and also within invaginations of microfilarial embryos. In contrast, few gold particles were seen on the surface of mature intrauterine microfilariae. No labeling was observed in control sections incubated with antiserum preadsorbed with purified human albumin. The findings suggest that human albumin may be essential for the nutrition and development of W bancrofti microfilariae.

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