
Megalin, retinol-binding protein (RBP) and Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THP) are involved in the renal metabolism of vitamin A in canine species. The presence of megalin, RBP and THP in the kidneys of dogs was investigated using immunohistochemical methods Megalin was highly expressed in the apical membrane of the proximal convoluted and straight tubule cells. Immunoreactive RBP was detected below the apical plasma membrane, as well as in basolateral granules of the proximal convoluted tubule cells. THP immunoreactivity was seen in the epithelial cells lining the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. Furthermore, THP was displayed in a scattered pattern within the distal convoluted tubules. The co-localization of megalin and RBP coincides with biochemical studies that have shown megalin to be responsible for renal RBP absorption in the proximal convoluted tubules after filtration through the renal glomerulus. The presence of THP, the carrier for vitamin A in canine urine, showed that vitamin A excretion in the urine of dogs is not merely a filtration process but also seems to be a pathway located in the distal part of the nephron.

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