
Baclofen (also sold under trade names Lioresal, Baclosan) belongs to a group of drugs called antispasmodics. This drug is available in oral and intrathecal forms. Baclofen has a pronounced psychotropic effect and is often a subject to abuse, especially among young people. The aim of the study was to detect apoptosis in the bronchial epithelium in rats. The study was performed on 20 male Wistar rats (weight: 290-350 g., age: 20 weeks). The animals were divided into 4 groups. The group of controls included 5 intact rats, each of three experimental groups included 5 rats treated with baclofen at a dose of 85 mg/kg and euthanized by the displacement of the cervical vertebrae after 3, 4,5, and 24 hours, respectively. In the bronchial epithelium of the controls bax was weakly expressed, which shows a low level of apoptosis. 3 and 4,5 hours after baclofen administration bax was strongly expressed and 24 hours after baclofen administration bax was moderately expressed. In the bronchial epithelium of the controls bcl-2 was weakly expressed; 3 hours after baclofen administration bcl-2 was moderately expressed; 4,5 hours and 24 hours after baclofen administration bcl-2 was strongly expressed. The results from the present study suggest the involvement of apoptosis in the development in the lesion of bronchial epithelium. Furthermore, bax and bcl-2 expression in the regenerating epithelial cells may play a role in the recovery of this lesion. Keywords: baclofen, poisoning, immunohistichemistry (IHC), apoptosis, bcl-2, bax.

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