
Protein methylation is a common posttranslational modification that mostly occurs on arginine and lysine residues. Arginine methylation has been reported to regulate RNA processing, gene transcription, DNA damage repair, protein translocation, and signal transduction. Lysine methylation is best known to regulate histone function and is involved in epigenetic regulation of gene transcription. To better study protein methylation, we have developed highly specific antibodies against monomethyl arginine; asymmetric dimethyl arginine; and monomethyl, dimethyl, and trimethyl lysine motifs. These antibodies were used to perform immunoaffinity purification of methyl peptides followed by LC-MS/MS analysis to identify and quantify arginine and lysine methylation sites in several model studies. Overall, we identified over 1000 arginine methylation sites in human cell line and mouse tissues, and ∼160 lysine methylation sites in human cell line HCT116. The number of methylation sites identified in this study exceeds those found in the literature to date. Detailed analysis of arginine-methylated proteins observed in mouse brain compared with those found in mouse embryo shows a tissue-specific distribution of arginine methylation, and extends the types of proteins that are known to be arginine methylated to include many new protein types. Many arginine-methylated proteins that we identified from the brain, including receptors, ion channels, transporters, and vesicle proteins, are involved in synaptic transmission, whereas the most abundant methylated proteins identified from mouse embryo are transcriptional regulators and RNA processing proteins.


  • PRMTs have been shown to modify many different cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins

  • The second library (XXXXXXXR*GGXXX) had a monomethyl arginine in the RGG motif to reflect that arginine methylation frequently occurs in RG-rich sequences

  • When generating dimethyl arginine antibodies we used a more complicated peptide library (XXXXR*XXR*XXXXR*XXXR*X) (R* ϭ asymmetric dimethylated (ADMA)) to try to obtain more diverse antibodies in a single immunization; X represents a mix of all amino acids excluding W, C, and Y

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Immunoaffinity Enrichment and Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Protein Methylation□S. Ailan Guo*‡, Hongbo Gu*‡, Jing Zhou*, Daniel Mulhern*, Yi Wang*, Kimberly A. Coupled with antibody enrichment of methyl proteins, the approach enabled the identification of around 60 protein methylation sites Another recent study used bioinformatics tools to analyze 36,854 previously generated MS/MS spectra to identify 38 arginine and 45 lysine methylation sites from yeast [38]. A very recent study [39] attempted large-scale proteomic identification of arginine methylation sites using different chromatography separation and enrichment of methylation peptides and identified 249 arginine methylation (mostly dimethyl arginine) sites in 131 proteins. In this report we describe the development of several antibodies engineered against different specific arginine and lysine methylation states, and the utilization of these antibodies to enrich for methylated peptides that were subsequently characterized via LC-MS/MS Using this approach, we were able to identify hundreds to thousands of methylated peptides from a single IAP-LC-MS/MS experiment using human cell line and mouse tissue samples. We found that many arginine-methylated proteins in brain are involved in synaptic transmission, whereas most abundantly arginine-methylated proteins in embryo are transcription regulators and RNA processing proteins

Blocking none antigen SDMA Peptide none antigen SDMA
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