
Purpose. Investigate the effect of melacryl on biochemical and immunological parameters of red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) and polar fox (V. Lagopus L.).
 Materials and methods. For the research the medication Melacryl was used that was developed by the employees of AO “Inpolimed” in cooperation with the Research Institute of fur farming and rabbit breeding them. V.A. Afanasyev (USSR author’s certificate No. 1579489).
 For the experiment animals were taken from the breeding farm OOO “Vyatka”, Slobodskoy district, Kirov region. The animals are bred in captivity to obtain valuable winter fur. 4 groups were formed for carring out of the experiment: experimental and control group of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.) and experimental and control of arctic fox (V. Lagopus L.), in each group there were (n=10 animals). Melacryl (produced by the Kazan Biofactory) was implanted in June according to the instructions for use of the preparation – 10 mg per head into the skin fold of the neck by using a special syringe – implantagor. Laboratory studies were carried out in the laboratory of the FBGNU VNIIOZ them. prof. B.M. Zhitkov.
 Research methods. Protein fractions in the blood serum were identified according to the nephelometric method of V.Ya. Antonov et al., lysozyme activity of blood serum were identified according to the method of VG Dorofeychuk. The activity of alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), glucose, total blood serum protein were defined with a semiautomatic biochemical analyzer “Biochim SA” (USA, 2019) by using reagent kits from High Technology (USA, 2019). Bactericidal activity of blood serum were defined according to the method of T.A. Kuzmina. the opsonization was carried out according to the method to A.S. Labinskaya. The Streeter’s numerical index was used to assessment the opsonization reaction. The obtained digital data were processed on an IBM personal computer by using the statistical software package “Statgraphics” and “HG”. The assessment of the reliability of the statistical indicators of the samples was carried out by to the Student’s t-test. The reliability criterion (P <0,001, P <0,01, P <0,05).
 Results. The alkaline phosphatase index of the experimental group of the red fox was significantly higher by 57% compared to the index of control group. There is an increase in serum alkaline phosphatase with a decrease in ALT of the experimental group, which indicates an increased formation of osteoblasts, that is characteristic of young animals during the skeletal system formation. The cholesterol content was increased in 1я.2 times. Phagocytic activity and phagocytic blood serum index of the experimental group significantly increased in 12 times compared with the index of control group. The phagocytic reaction is phylogenetically one of the defense mechanisms of animals and humans and characterizes its immune response. The body of the Arctic foxes reacted more conservatively to the melatonin implantation. In the process of determination of protein fractions in blood serum in the experimental group of polar foxes there was an increase α-globulins in 16 % comparison with the control group. AsAT of the experimental group was higher in 16,6% than AsAT in the control group. But the Ritis AsAT/AlAT coefficient of the experimental group was 0,82, while coefficient of the control group was 0,97. The preparation had a cytoprotective effect, preventing the formation of cholestasis. Biochemical studies of the blood serum of the Arctic fox showed that the amylase activity is a 35% higher of the animals of the control group than of the experimental group, that indicates a dysfunction of the pancreas.
 Conclusion. The research found that exogenous melatonin has a hepatoprotective effect and thereby corrects metabolic processes of the animal body.

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