
Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) and N. gonorrhoeae (Ng) express a Macrophage Infectivity Potentiator (MIP, NMB1567/NEIS1487) protein in their outer membrane (OM). In this study, we prepared independent batches of liposomes (n = 3) and liposomes + MonoPhosphoryl Lipid A (MPLA) (n = 3) containing recombinant truncated Nm-MIP protein encoded by Allele 2 (rT-Nm-MIP, amino acids 22–142), and used these to immunize mice. We tested the hypothesis that independent vaccine batches showed similar antigenicity, and that antisera could recognise both meningococcal and gonococcal MIP and induce cross-species bactericidal activity.The different batches of M2 rT-Nm-MIP-liposomes ± MPLA showed no significant (P > 0.05) batch-to-batch variation in antigenicity. Anti-rT-Nm-MIP sera reacted equally and specifically with Nm-MIP and Ng-MIP in OM and on live bacterial cell surfaces. Specificity was shown by no antiserum reactivity with Δmip bacteria. Using human complement/serum bactericidal assays, anti-M2 rT-Nm-MIP sera killed homologous meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) strains (median titres of 32–64 for anti-rT-Nm-MIP-liposome sera; 128–256 for anti-rT-Nm-MIP-liposome + MPLA sera) and heterologous M1 protein-expressing MenB strains (titres of 64 for anti rT-Nm-MIP-liposome sera; 128–256 for anti-rT-Nm-MIP-liposome + MPLA sera). Low-level killing (P < 0.05) was observed for a MenB isolate expressing M7 protein (titres 4–8), but MenB strains expressing M6 protein were not killed (titre < 4–8). Killing (P < 0.05) was observed against MenC and MenW bacteria expressing homologous M2 protein (titres of 8–16) but not against MenA or MenY bacteria (titres < 4–8).Antisera to M2 rT-Nm-MIP showed significant (P < 0.05) cross-bactericidal activity against gonococcal strain P9-17 (expressing M35 Ng-MIP, titres of 64–512) and strain 12CFX_T_003 (expressing M10 Ng-MIP, titres 8–16) but not against FA1090 (expressing M8 Ng-MIP).As an alternative to producing recombinant protein, we engineered successfully the Nm-OM to express M2 Truncated–Nm-MIP, but lipooligosaccharide-extraction with Na-DOC was contra-indicated. Our data suggest that a multi-component vaccine containing a select number of Nm- and Ng-MIP type proteins would be required to provide broad coverage of both pathogens.

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