
Rats were prepared surgically so that peripheral intestinal lymph could be collected from them while a syngeneic tumour (the HSN sarcoma) was growing in each major Peyer's patch of the small intestine. Dendritic lymph cells were isolated from the lymph and injected i.p. into naive, syngeneic rats. Each of the 16 recipients received just under 10(6) such cells and was challenged 10 days later with a subcutaneous dose of 10(4) viable HSN cells. Six weeks after this challenge only 7 of the recipients had a tumour and these were small (mean weight 1.8 g), while 17 controls (which had each been treated with 10(6) thoracic duct lymphocytes from the same donors, and given the same challenge) all had large tumours (mean weight 8.8 g). The remaining 9 test rats were still free of tumours when they were killed and autopsied 4 months after challenge. Dendritic lymph cells from normal rats were 'sensitised' by incubating them overnight on a monolayer of HSN cells. They were then transferred to 5 naive recipients which received the usual challenge. Six weeks later they all had tumours (mean weight 1.3 g) but these were much smaller than those in the 5 controls (mean weight 9.3 g).


  • Each morning the lymph from several donor rats was pooled and the cells centrifuged over a layer of Nycodenz (S.G. 1.065); the dendritic cells and macrophages remained at the interface, from which they were collected by aspiration, after the lymphocytes and other cells had sunk through the Nycodenz and formed a pellet at the bottom of the tube

  • Control rats received ordinary lymphocytes obtained from the pelleted lymph cells, these were given in the same numbers and by the same route as the dendritic cells

  • The donor rats had had their mesenteric nodes removed and had had HSNtC cells injected into their Peyer's patches; the dendritic cells isolated later from their thoracic duct lymph were injected into the test rats, in an attempt to induce anti-tumour immunity before challenge with viable HSNtc cells

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GenCerail exvperimnental clesignYoung (5-6 weeks old) male hooded rats were subjected to mesenetric lymphadenectomy so that 6-8 weeks later, after they had attained adult weight (200-250 g), the lymphatic vessels had regenerated and the thoracic duct contained peripheral, intestinal lymph with 1-5 percent of macr-ophages and dendritic cells.Rats prepared in this way were operated upon and a total of 1(6 cells of a syngeneic sarcoma (designated HSN,c) wereCorrespondence: J.G. Young (5-6 weeks old) male hooded rats were subjected to mesenetric lymphadenectomy so that 6-8 weeks later, after they had attained adult weight (200-250 g), the lymphatic vessels had regenerated and the thoracic duct contained peripheral, intestinal lymph with 1-5 percent of macr-ophages and dendritic cells. Two weeks later- each patch that hald received an injection was the site Of a tumouLr - 5 mm in diameter At this time the thoracic ducts ol' the tumour-bearing rats were cannulated and the riats were placed in Bollman cages so that the lymph could be collected quantitatively for the five days. The control rats received the same challenge of 104 cells from the same preparation of tumour cells that was used to challenge the test animals

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