
The present studies were designed to determine whether cellular immune responses of ammocoete (larval lamprey), Lampetra reissneri, to heterogenous erythrocytes is comparable in complexity to and shares similar recognition mechanisms with those of other gnathostomes. These responses were measured by means of immunocytoadherence. The levels and kinetics of antigen-binding activity in the peripheral blood and primitive spleen (typhlosole) were established by following a single high (10 %) or low (0.001 %) SRBC challenge. Antigen-binding responses were similar in some respects to those previously reported for other poikilothermic vertebrates. Rabbit anti-arctic lamprey Ig inhibited antigen binding of immunocytes. Hapten-carrier immunization was used to explore lymphoid heterogeneity in this species. The anti-hapten (2,4,6-trinitrophenyl;TNP) response was not specifically enhanced by carrier priming, however, there were many lymphoid cells bearing anti-TNP receptors in untreated ammocoetes. Consequently, it is doubtful whether there is cell-cell collaboration in the lamprey immune system.

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