
Immunisation of calves by the infection and treatment method (I & T) has been extensively used in the eastern province of Zambia to control East Coast fever (ECF), a protozoan tick-borne disease. This paper presents the results of a field longitudinal study, which included a total of 148 Angoni calves. After immunisation against ECF, they were monitored for a full rainy season, coinciding with the main peak of activity of the vector of Theileria parva, the tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. Dysimmunisation (acute reaction generated by I & T immunisation), seroconversion and mortality are among the parameters recorded. The effect of maternal antibodies on these parameters was analysed and also studied in experimental conditions on two calves. Before immunisation, young calves had a higher seroprevalence than older animals (maternal antibodies) but their post-immunisation seroprevalence was lower. There was no evidence that their immunoprotection was weaker but this indicates that the post-immunisation seroconversion is probably not a reliable tool to monitor the efficacy of calf immunisation. The carrier state of cattle after immunisation was investigated in experimental conditions on three bovines whereas in the field, the infection prevalence in the ticks was estimated using the relation between the tick burden and the T. parva contacts with the calves. The ability of larval and nymphal R. appendiculatus ticks to pick-up T. parva from carriers and to transmit it to naïve animals after moulting was assessed. It was found that both instars are able to transmit clinical and lethal ECF but that the prevalence of T. parva infection in nymphs is much lower than in adults, confirming the primary role of adults in the transmission of ECF in endemic conditions. Similar results were obtained from the field whereby the ECF peak corresponds with the peak of adult R. appendiculatus activity. The infection prevalence in the ticks was however much lower in the field than in experimental conditions indicating that an important proportion of them feed on alternative hosts. Old ticks seemed to have lost part of their infectivity.

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