
Immune boosting cum wellness benefits of five proprietary siddha drugs such as Aforte, Pesin, Bekay, Caratole and Hista Block tablets were studied. All the above drugs increased the population abundance of Lactobacillus acidophilus. In vitro suggest the possibility of facilitating the probiotic environment in the gut and associated pharmaceutical benefits of probiotics. There is a dip in the population abundance of probiotics is known in several auto immune diseases such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo etc. All the above drug tested were indicated for vitiligo, psoriasis and other auto immune diseases. The new therapeutic benefit of the above drugs along with scientifically proven benefits suggest that these drugs besides having pharmaceutical benefits also may help in auto correction of the system (Tridosha) thereby help to achieve wellness as well besides treatment. This is the first finding on the possible mechanism action of siddha drugs in achieving wellness and details are presented in the paper.

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