
 The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, has declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) onset a global pandemic. Consequently, there has been noticeable economic adversity globally and a significant loss of life. A strong functioning immune system is crucial for adequate defense against pathogenic organisms. The intricacy of the interplay between nutrition and immunology is wide ranging. In the context of novel corona virus disease, competent immune system requires adequate supply of essential nutrients including vitamin C, D, E, A, B6, B12, folateandtraceelements,includingzinc,iron,selenium,magnesium,copper to support innate and adaptive immune systems. Other nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids also support immune system effectively, specifically by helping to resolve the inflammatory response. Deficiencies or suboptimal status in micronutrients negatively affects immune function and can decrease resistance to infections. AlthoughmuchremainstobeknownaboutCOVID-19,itisimportantthat,toavertthelikelihoodof being infected with COVID-19, nutrition intake targeted towards boosting immune system is indispensable.

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