
Immunotherapy with chimeric antigen-specific receptor modified T cells,known as CAR-T, is emerging as a promising approach to hematological malignancies. In this regard, CAR-T against human cluster of differentiation (CD) 19 has demonstrated antitumor efficacy in application to B cell neoplasms resistant toconventional therapy. However, activation of the immune system induces severe and specific complications which can prove life-threatening. These include cytokine release syndrome and immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (known as ICANS) - the latterbeing the subject of the present review. Although the physiopathological mechanisms underlying ICANS are not well known, a number of clinical and biological factors increase the risk of developing neurotoxicity associated to CAR-T therapy. Treatment is based on close monitoring, measures of support, anticonvulsivants, corticosteroids, and early admission to intensive care. The present study offers a comprehensive review of the available literature from a multidisciplinary perspective, including recommendations from intensivists, neurologists and hematologists dedicated to the care of critically ill adults.

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