
AbstractThis paper will review predominant models developed by researchers to assess psychological adaptation of immigrants in host society. The use of terms assimilation and acculturation, to reflect process of change undergone by immigrants, will be discussed. Although these terms have been used interchangeably, outcome of change is very different in each. The difference between assimilation and acculturation is reflected in models of adaptation regrouped under linear and bidimensional models. A third model, called orthogonal cultural identification, is presented in light of criticisms made of first two types of models. The psychosocial changes undergone by immigrants who move from one country of residence to another, have been subsumed under terms of assimilation or acculturation. Although these two terms refer to similar processes of change, within individuals, their outcome is quite different. Eisenstadt (1954) identified three stages in migration process. The first consists of needs or dispositions which motivate person to migrate; second stage is physical transition itself, from original society to new one; third stage refers to absorption of immigrant within social and cultural framework of new society. Researchers agree psychosocial changes experienced by immigrants, in this third phase, include the learning of new roles, transformation of primary group values, and extension of participation, beyond primary group, in main spheres of social system (Eisenstadt, 1954, p. 9). There is much disagreement, however, about whether successful adaptation is marked by loss of identification with heritage culture (Eisenstadt, 1954) or whether adaptation can occur without any such loss (Spindler, 1978).This paper will two divergent theories of immigrants' adaptation implied by terms assimilation and acculturation. The models which these theories have generated will be divided into two broad categories: 1) Linear models -- representing cultural change on linear bipolar continuum, going from heritage culture to host culture, and 2) Bidimensional models -- in which two independent dimensions of cultural change are crossed at right angles to each other, resulting in four adaptation styles which immigrants can adopt.Some of early models of acculturation and assimilation will be presented, since many of these have served as guidelines for later research. The critical review of models will be followed by findings on outcome of immigrants' adaptation, according to two types of models. Our intent is to assess whether various Canadian ethnic groups tend to maintain their heritage culture or to replace it with host culture. In light of criticisms made of models reviewed and of findings summarized, third model, orthogonal cultural identification, will be presented.AssimilationAssimilation is term used as far back as 1677, in reference to conformity with country in which one lives (Oxford English Dictionary, 1989). Simons (1900) defined assimilation at turn of century as: that process of adjustment or accommodation which occurs between members of two different races, if their contact is prolonged and if necessary psychic conditions are present (p. 791). Park and Burgess (In International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences [IESS], 1968) defined it as a process of interpenetration and fusion in which persons or groups acquire memories, sentiments, and attitudes of other persons or groups, and, by sharing their experience and history, are incorporated with them in common cultural life (p. 438).Eisenstadt (1985) established very clear interaction between immigrants and host society, during process of assimilation. Successful assimilation, according to Eisenstadt, occurs when immigrants have become full participants in institutions of host society and identify completely with society. …

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