
The study examined immigrant entrepreneurship and family business in Nigeria with specific objectives to determine the concept of immigrant entrepreneurship and family business, determine the effect of Terms of Trade (TOT) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in immigrant entrepreneurship and family business and profer possible recommendations on factors militating against immigrant entrepreneurship and family business. The research adopted qualitative data using secondary data from the Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) from 2016 to 2020 (quarterly report) hence, Terms of Trade (TOT) as a variable of immigrant entrepreneurship and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a variable of the family business in Nigeria. This is because the title of the study is immigrant entrepreneurship financing and family business in Nigeria. The study considered running an ANOVA with SPSS using the obtained secondary data to test the level of significance with 0.05 and also SPSS to determine the effect of immigrant entrepreneurs on family businesses in Nigeria. The study recommended: that government should ensure that immigrant entrepreneurs are protected by the legal framework of the country; this would also serve to increase immigrants’ confidence and sense of security in Nigeria and the entrepreneur in a family business must act proactively

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