
An outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization occurred from November 2001 in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of our hospital. Since the establishment of our NICU in 1991, some MRSA has been detected in NICU patients. For MRSA infection preventive measures, utilization of the following items was implemented: mupirocin ointment, diluted povidone iodine, methylrosaniline chloride, and disposable rubber gloves. Patients in whom MRSA was detected received intranasal administration of the mupirocin ointment three times daily and were bathed in, or their entire body was wiped with diluted povidone iodine once daily for the first 3 days in each week. In addition, they received an intraoral application of methylrosaniline chloride daily. All therapy was done until MRSA strains were undetectable for 3 continuous weeks. Genotypes of 13 MRSA strains isolated from eight inpatients and one mother were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). All PFGE patterns were identical, except for one, which had one distinct migrating fragment. These data suggested that this MRSA outbreak was caused by the same strain, which was derived from the mother of a low-birth-weight infant born on October 30, 2001. Gradually, the number of inpatients carrying MRSA decreased, until finally MRSA was no longer observed, in April 2002. Fortunately, we controlled the MRSA outbreak immediately, and none of the inpatients developed severe MRSA infection. We think that in our NICU, which is isolated from other hospital wards, it is important to prevent the entrance of MRSA-carrying mothers.

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