
RELEVANCE. The dependency results of draining operations on the efficcacy of drainig of ductal system of the pancreas and adequate outflow of the pancreatic juce through anastomosis are undoubtful, therefore the development of new techniques of longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy (LPJ) extending area of anastomosis is an actual challenge.AIM OF STUDY. To compare the immediate and long-term results of longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy with the expansion of the area of anastomosis in patients with chronic pancreatitis.MATERIAL AND METHODS. We analysed immediate and long-term results of LPJ in 58 patients with chronic pancreatitis with impaired patency of the major pancreatic duct (MPD) without the head enlargement.RESULTS. All patients were divided into two groups: comparison group ( n=26, operated up to 2008 ) and main group (n=32, operated stumps during the MPD diastasis and posterior pancreatic surface (n=3) into anastomosis, with resection of the anterior pancreatic surface in the form of triangular fragments (n=11), with circulation of the small intestine loop during the recovery phase (n=19). The original LPJ in the study group of patients did not lengthened the surgery (160 [135, 185]) and intraoperative blood loss (265 [175, 340]). In the main group of patients there was no postoperative complications and fatal outcomes, but the average duration postoperative hospital treatment (18 [16; 20.5]) exceeded some data of foreign and domestic authors. Pain within 5 years after surgery in patients of the main group exceeded 26.6% and the appearance of diarrheal syndrome with dependance from reception of enzyme preparations was twice lower than in patients og the comparison group. According to questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30, 5 years after surgery statistically significant differences between groups in terms of scales CF, NV, DY (p=0.03, 0.02, 0.006 respectively), indicating the advantage of intervention performed in the mail group.CONCLUSIONS. 1. An indication for longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy in chronic pancreatitis is impaired patency of the main pancreatic duct in the absence of an increase and inflammatory mass in the pancreatic head.2. The width of the main pancreatic duct is less than 5 mm and the presence of diastasis between its proximal and distal stumps with the posterior surface of the pancreas preserved, is not a reason for refusing longitudinal pancreatic jujunostomy in favor of the resection method.3. The expansion of pancreatojejunal anastomosis when performing longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy can improve the immediate and longterm results of surgical treatment for chronic pancreatitis.


  • Зависимость результатов дренирующих операций от эффективности дренирования протоковой системы поджелудочной железы (ПЖ) и адекватности оттока панкреатического сока через анастомоз не вызывает сомнений, в связи с чем разработка новых способов продольной панкреатоеюностомии (ППЕС), расширяющих площадь панкреатоеюнального соустья, является актуальной задачей

  • Та бл и ц а 5 Сравнение показателей физического и психологического компонентов здоровья по данным опросника MOS SF-36 у больных хроническим панкреатитом через 1 год и 5 лет после продольной панкреатоеюностомии (в баллах) Ta b l e 5 The comparison of indicators of physical and mental components of health according to the MOS SF-36 questionnaire in patients with chronic pancreatitis 1 and 5 years after longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy

  • Conflict of interest Authors declare lack of the conflicts of interests Acknowledgments, sponsorship The study had no sponsorship Affiliations

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Акт уальность

Зависимость результатов дренирующих операций от эффективности дренирования протоковой системы поджелудочной железы (ПЖ) и адекватности оттока панкреатического сока через анастомоз не вызывает сомнений, в связи с чем разработка новых способов продольной панкреатоеюностомии (ППЕС), расширяющих площадь панкреатоеюнального соустья, является актуальной задачей

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