
The McDonald and Kreitman test (MKT) is one of the most powerful and widely used methods to detect and quantify recurrent natural selection using DNA sequence data. Here we present iMKT (acronym for integrative McDonald and Kreitman test), a novel web-based service performing four distinct MKT types. It allows the detection and estimation of four different selection regimes −adaptive, neutral, strongly deleterious and weakly deleterious− acting on any genomic sequence. iMKT can analyze both user's own population genomic data and pre-loaded Drosophila melanogaster and human sequences of protein-coding genes obtained from the largest population genomic datasets to date. Advanced options in the website allow testing complex hypotheses such as the application example showed here: do genes located in high recombination regions undergo higher rates of adaptation? We aim that iMKT will become a reference site tool for the study of evolutionary adaptation in massive population genomics datasets, especially in Drosophila and humans. iMKT is a free resource online at https://imkt.uab.cat.


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