
Immigrants make up only 2% of the total population in Poland. Over 80% of such immigrants reside in cities. Poland is only a transit point in their migration to the West or a temporary place of work or education. The paper focuses on the structure of the several-thousand, heterogeneous immigrant population in Poznań and the institutions within which they function and pursue their particular adaptation and integration strategies. Foreigners in Poznań live to some extent “next to” the receiving society and are hardly visible in the city space. Their migration is circular and often seasonal. A significant percentage is made up of the so called privileged migrants (students obliged to pay tuition fees at public and private universities and business professionals). Poznań, which is not a multicultural city, is not an important centre in the transnational network and can be defined as a typical “national” city based on local forms of socio-cultural relations.


  • Immigrants make up only 2% of the total population

  • Over 80% of such immigrants reside in cities

  • The paper focuses on the structure of the several-thousand

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Immigrants make up only 2% of the total population in Poland. Over 80% of such immigrants reside in cities. Jednak dane te nie odzwierciedlajĈ stanu faktycznego – sĈ dalece zaniİone, poniewaİ nie obejmujĈ cudzoziemców o nieuregulowanym statusie pobytu, czčĤci imigrantów legitymujĈcych sič obywatelstwem innych krajów Unii Europejskiej, a takİe osób, które z róİnych powodów nie uczestniczyãy w procedurze spisowej (Kaczmarczyk 2011: 14-18). Liczby te dokumentujĈ fakt, İe imigracja w Polsce na tle innych krajów europejskich, gdzie mamy do czynienia z procentem imigrantów wahajĈcym sič Ĥrednio od 5% do 20%, jest maão znaczĈcym zjawiskiem demograficznym (Buchowski, Schmidt 2012: 9-10).

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