
Milestones of the first year of iMeta. iMeta is an open-access Wiley partner journal launched by iMeta Science Society consisting of worldwide scientists in bioinformatics and metagenomics. In 2022, iMeta released four issues, including 60 publications with a total of 340 citations. iMeta has been indexed in several databases, including Google Scholar, Crossref, CNKI, Dimensions, PubMed (partial), DOAJ, and Scopus. Thanks to the editorial board members and reviewers for their contributions to the iMeta in 2022. “iMeta” is an open-access Wiley partner journal launched by iMeta Science Society consisting of worldwide scientists in bioinformatics and metagenomics. iMeta aims to promote microbiome and bioinformatics research by publishing original research, methods/protocols, and reviews. The goal is to publish high-quality papers (top 10%) targeting a broad audience. Unique features include video submission, reproducible analysis, figure polishing, APC waiver, and promotion by social media with 500,000 followers [1]. In 2022, iMeta released four issues (Figure 1), including 60 publications with a total of 340 citations (https://app.dimensions.ai/ by December 31, 2022). The top three highly cited papers were ImageGP [2], Majorbio Cloud [3], and Sangerbox [4], with more than 50 citations, respectively. Since the first paper was published in February and the first issue was released on March 2022, publications of iMeta have been indexed in several databases, including Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=u181x38AAAAJ), Crossref (https://search.crossref.org/?q=imeta&from_ui=yes), CNKI (https://www.cnki.net/), Dimensions (https://app.dimensions.ai/discover/publication?and_facet_source_title=jour.1412973), PubMed (partial, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%222770-596X%22), DOAJ (https://doaj.org/toc/2770-596X), and Scopus (https://suggestor.step.scopus.com/progressTracker/?trackingID=E44A9E02E9092B0D) (Figure 2A). According to Wiley (https://insights.wiley.com/), publications of iMeta display board interest of audiences, attracting 115,809 downloads from 165 countries and regions in 2022 (Figure 2B, Supporting Information: Table S1). Notably, a single publication “Complex heatmap visualization” [5] has been downloaded 11,537 times in 2022 (Supporting Information: Table S2). The editorial board of iMeta currently contains around 1000 members from 29 countries and regions. With the advantages of such a wonderful group, iMeta can make the first decision on average 25 days after submission, providing responses from five reviewers or more. The Editors-in-Chief, executive editors, and staff of iMeta are very grateful to the following editorial board members and scientists who dedicated their considerable time and expertise to the journal by serving as reviewers by December 31, 2022 (Table 1, 382 reviewers completed 685 reviews). Additionally, iMeta is recruiting Youth Editorial Board Members (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/2770596x/homepage/youth-ebm-recruitment). Yong-Xin Liu and Chun-Lin Shi drafted the paper. Tengfei Ma and Wubin Ding proceeded with the data analysis and visualization. All authors revised and approved the final manuscript. The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Bo Li from Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, for his contribution to data visualization. Shuang-Jiang Liu and Jingyuan Fu are the Editors-in-Chief of iMeta. Yong-Xin Liu, Tong Chen, and Danyi Li are the executive editors of iMeta. Chun-Lin Shi and Tengfei Ma are the academic editors of iMeta. The authors have declared no competing interests. The data and scripts can be found at GitHub https://github.com/iMetaScience/iMeta. All data of the figures can be downloaded in GitHub or Supporting Information: tables. Supporting Information: materials (figures, tables, scripts, graphical abstract, slides, videos, Chinese translated version, and updated materials) may be found in the online DOI or iMeta Science https://www.imeta.science/. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.

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