
MC was supported by the University of Aberdeen College of Physical Sciences studentship. The authors gratefully acknowledge CYDAREX for providing an evaluation license for their software CYDARTM , Koon-Yang Lee for the n-decane/brine static contact angle measurements on calcite (Supplementary Material S3), and Steffen Berg for his insightful comments and suggestions as a reviewer for conference paper Christensen and Tanino 2018 on which this paper builds. Finally, the authors thank the three anonymous reviewers for their detailed comments. All data used in this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. In addition, the centrifuge data generated during this study are included as a Excel spreadsheet in the supplementary materials for this published article. One set of mercury injection capillary pressure measurements by Tanino and Blunt (2012) analysed in Text S2 are available in the Mendeley data repository, https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/9f4898jfr9/1.

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