
Introduction: mastocytosis comprimes a group of diseases characterized by abnormal proliferation and accumulation of mast cells in one or more organs. A cutaneous and systemic form of mastocytosis is distinguished. Systemic mastocytosis defines the disease process in which mast cell proliferation exceeds the skin. The clinical manifestations of systemic mastocytosis depend on the tissues involved and the tissue response to the accumulation of mast cells. Although in general the disease progresses slowly, it may develop into a malignant disease. Currently there is no cure for systemic mastocytosis. Mast cells develop from pluripotent bone marrow progenitor cells that express CD34 antigen and are dispersed as precursors which undergo proliferation and maturation in different tissues. Normal mast cell development involves the action of stam cell growth factor and c-kit receptors, which are expressed by mast cells at their different developmental stages. Deregulation and/or abnormalities of the c-kit receptor are assumed to play a causal role in disordered mast-cell proliferation. In most patients a mutation in the gene for c-kit exists. One of the mutations is the D816V mutation.Aim of the study:imatinib mesylate, formerly called ST1571, is a potent inhibitor of c-kit receptor tyrosine kinase activity. In this study, we evaluate whether imatinib mesylate is safe and effective in the treatment of patients with systemic mastocytosis. Primary end-points of study are reduction in urinary N-methylhistamine excretion, serum tryptase activity, skin lesions, number of mast cells in sections of bone marrow, hepato-and/or splenomegaly and symptoms.Adverse effects on therapy are also considered.Results: up to now, 10 patients with systemic mastocytosis are treated with 400 mg of imatinib mesylate orally once daily. During the first 2 weeks of the study the patients also received 30 mg of prednisolone daily. In general imatinib mesylate is well tolerated. The first results show a 38–80% reduction in urinary N-methylhistamine excretion and 30–66% reduction in serum tryptase activity. Skin lesions diminish in two of the six patients with cutaneous mastocytosis,. Number of mast cells in sections of bone marrow are reduced in 63% (5/8) of the patients. Hepato-and/or splenomegaly is slightly decreased in two of the three patients with organomegaly. Finally 60 % of all patients experiences relief of symptoms. In eight patients the D816V mutation was found. In contrast with former studies imatinib mesylate is also effective in these patients. Further results are to be awaited.Conclusion: imatinib mesylate is safe and seems effective in the treatment of patients with systemic mastocytosis (including patients with the D816V mutation).

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