
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our Master and Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions, and those who followed his path and followed his trail until the Day of Judgment.As for after:Indeed, God Almighty has ensured the preservation of his book throughout the ages and ages, so he prepared for him men who spent their ages in learning the Book of God and memorizing his readings - which the Qur’an was revealed - and teaching them to people. And among those we consider them is also one of the imams whose name appeared and brightened the science of readings, and became a flag referred to Bananan and remember when he recalls the readings and narrations.When I contemplated the topics that were raised at the conference of the Noble Qur’an in the era of globalization, I saw, among them, the topic of conversation about the leaders and imams of the recitation, so I decided to search for a figure who has efforts and effects, a person who has an apparent and prominent role in the science of readings and their preservation! Rather, it does not hide any student of knowledge of the readings, who has kept the body of its chapters!However, this character, along with the aforementioned stature, did not fulfill her right to research and study and explain her efforts and effects.

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