
Muhammad ibn Idris al-Syafi’i (w. 204 H) is a mujtahid imam, founder of the Syafi’i madz h ab , which is spread throughout the world and whose madz h ab include the majority madz h ab in Indonesia. In addition to being one of the madzāhib al-‘arba’ah figure and pioneer of u ṣū l al-fiqh sciences, Imam al-Syafi’i is also known as mu ḥ addits with his extraordinary thoughts to defend the ḥ adīts of the Rasulullah Saw. To find out how Imam al-Syafi’i’s thoughts about ḥ adīts , the author uses qualitative research metods and library research types. This research aims to find out how Imam al-Syafi’i’s thoughts about hadith. Furthermore, the author also describes the contributions that have been given by Imam al-Syafi’I until he obtained the title of Nā ṣ ir al-Sunnah . The result of the research is Imam al-Syafi’i’s thoughts about ḥ adīth that he was written in several his works. He set the criteria in the field of ḥ adīth scince with a careful attitude. This is to avoid fabrication the narration of the Prophet’s ḥ adīts so that its authenticity is maintained. His enthusiasm in upholding ḥ adīts from several groups who reject ḥ adīts as a source of Islamic law after the holy al-Qur’an, creating phenomenal works among Muslims, he has all tried to open the minds of the zindiq to hadith Rasulullah Saw. With various efforts and hard work assigned by Imam al-Syafi’i, the muslims pinned the title to him as Nā ṣ ir al-Sunnah .

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