
Microcosm Ajay Soni, MD A sympathetic drop in the tiny deep dark pool: the passage widens . . . A soft incandescent glow illuminates the bowl. The calculated curve of a smooth glass lens condenses reflected rays. A floating real image in glistening clarity: the web of blood and neurons onto which all the world projects. Vision Gurwant Kaur, MD Amber urine spin, don’t splash drop on glass. Focus. Here it comes: crystals and casts. Screening Sanam Razeghi, MD It comes into view the monster within this tunnel. Ominous tentacles of tissue climbing these walls while she sleeps. Time stutters. The clock spins faster. Life sputters on. Epinephrine Ann Ouyang, MD Pulsing plume on a gelatinous lake washed with cool water repools, flooding the plain carrying life away. The needle plunges a frost blanches the surface: crimson column wavering, collapsing. Water clears the murky lake restores the landscape. Heart Failure José Stoute, MD A horse gallops water settles and bubbles; the ground swells. Wisdom of Fingers George Simms, MD, PhD Light touch, soft belly; warm sun on the skin. Deep touch, firm mass; clouds move across a darkening sky. Progress Karuna Spiegelman, MD Bloody beefy breasts dripping crimson red, stench of rotting flesh as the tumor spreads. Tactile Navigation Shane Kinard, MD Glacially gliding, sinews submitting, a pop? Crystal elixir! Solitary Kathleen Julian, MD A dark building, lone doctor’s office light still on. Beacon bright. Burning…

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