
I. INTRODUCTION 1. Weaving spaces and (de)constructing ways for multilingual schools: The actual and the imagined - Ofelia Garcia, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Maria Torres-Guzman II. PEDAGOGIES, VALUES AND SCHOOLS 2. Identity texts: The imaginative construction of self through multiliteracies pedagogy Jim Cummins (OISE, University of Toronto) 3. Imagining multilingual education in France: A language and cultural awareness project at primary level - Christine Helot (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maitres) and Andrea Young (Institut Universitaire de Formation de Maitres) 4. Reclaiming multilingual America: Lessons from Native American youth - Teresa L. McCarty (Arizona State University), Mary Eunice Romero (Arizona State University), Ofelia Zepeda (University of Arizona) 5. Attitudes towards language learning in different linguistic models of the Basque Autonomous Community - Feli Etxeberria-Sagastume (Universidad del Pais Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Universitatea) III. EXTENDING FORMAL INSTRUCTIONAL SPACES 6. Back to basics: Marketing the benefits of bilingualism to parents - Viv Edwards (University of Reading) and Lynda Pritchard Newcombe 7. Popular education and language rights in indigenous Mayan communities: Emergence of new social actors and gendered voices - Karen Ogulnick(Long Island University) IV. TENSIONS BETWEEN MULTIPLE REALITIES 8. Imagined multilingual schools: How come we don't deliver? - Elana Shohamy (Tel Aviv University) 9. Monolingual assessment and emerging bilinguals: A case study in the U.S. - Kathy Escamilla (University of Colorado) 10. The Long road to multilingual schools in Botswana - Lydia Nyati-Ramahobo (University of Botswana) V. NEGOTIATING POLICIES OF IMPLEMENTATION 11. Nichols to NCLB: Local and global perspectives on U.S. language education policy - Nancy Hornberger (University of Pennsylvania) 12. Cultural diversity, multilingualism and indigenous education - Luis Enrique Lopez (Universidad Mayor de San Simon) 13. Multilingualism of the unequals and predicaments of education in India - Ajit K. Mohanty (Jawaharlal Nehru University)

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