
AbstractBy worldview, I mean the conceptual framework, beliefs, and values used to make sense of reality. Well-developed worldviews incorporate a cosmology that answers questions like “How did I get here?” or a more teleological “Why am I here?” To aid analysis and guide worldview development, I have formulated 80 worldview themes (Cook, 2009). To illustrate their use, I interpret something physicist Leonard Susskind wrote, “Modern cosmology really began with Darwin and Wallace…they provided explanations of our existence that completely rejected supernatural agents” (Susskind, 2006). My interpretation from a “secular humanism” and “scientific materialism” perspective, these men used the “scientific method” in developing their “global vision.” In telling a story, they did so without building it around God, the Creator, and Father, that is, without “monotheism” and “belief in a personal God.” They shunned use of “vitalism,” “mysticism,” “magic,” and “religious fundamentalism.”KeywordsInternal ModelInformation TransferIntelligent DesignerFitness LandscapeComplex Adaptive SystemThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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