
Diffuse liver disease is commonly encountered in routine practice and encompasses a broad range of pathologies. While some entities have unique imaging features, many diffuse liver diseases are relatively non-specific in appearance. This article will overview the etiologies and multi-modality imaging appearances of the more common diffuse liver diseases. Newer imaging techniques in the evaluation of diffuse liver disease include MR and US elastography, DWI/ADC, and hepatic perfusion imaging. These advanced techniques aid in the detection and quantification of hepatic fibrotic disease, allowing for early treatment, potential disease reversal, and prevention of cirrhosis and its attendant morbidity and mortality. Diffuse liver disease reflects a broad range of entities; while there are many shared imaging features, some diseases have unique imaging manifestations. An understanding of typical imaging appearances, as well as newer techniques in hepatic imaging, will allow radiologists to better evaluate diffuse liver diseases.

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