
Confocal fluocescence microscopy is regarded as a suitable tool for dynamic analysis of lipid molecules in living cells when it is combined with appropriate fluorescent lipid probes. At first, the advantates of confocal fluorescence microscopy are reviewed. Next, fluorescence labeling methods developed for biological studies, including fluorescent lipid probes, are surveyed. Then, following examples of imaging analysis of lipid dynamics with a confocal fluorescence microscope are introduced. 1) The biconcave morphology of red blood cell ghost membranes is observed as high resolution fluorescence images by using a water soluble fluorescent probe, rhodamine-dextran, and the fluorescent lipid probe, octadecyl rhodamine B. 2) Membrane fusion in single particles of the influenza virus with red blood cell ghost membranes is detected and quantitatively analysed through fluorescence dequenching of octadecyl rhodamine B. 3) Imaging analysis of lipid body formation in an oleaginous Mortierella fungus is undertaken using fluorescent analogues of phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylcholine.

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