
The study is devoted to the phenomenon of the image as a concept of many humanities. The cognitive mechanism for creating a linguistic and textual image (apperception, application of frames with a matching slot, basic categorization of the world) is under consideration. A typology of linguistic images is given: an acoustic image as a second channel of meaning, along with a lexical-and-semantic one; the means of figurative derivation; a figurative internal form of a word of a secondary direct nomination ( осточертеть, накостылять ); lexical figurativeness and syntagmatics of direct and figurative meanings of a monocode (metaphors of one thematic zone) and polycode (metaphors of different thematic areas) kind. It is concluded that the semantic syntagmatics of figurative language means demonstrates the operation of the law of semantic agreement at the level of both explicit and implicit language means. The types of text figurativeness (figurative detail, image-character, correlation of the figurative structure of texts with the concepts of language and style) are considered. The cultural imagery of naming-characteristics of the cultural paradigms of Europe - Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Modern times; the evolution of civilizational meanings of previous epochs and their transformation into images of modern language ( египетский труд, высокие амфоры ног, площадная брань, макиавеллизм ) is under the studies. The conclusions are made about the function of an image as a systematizer, an ontology parameter. At the same time, metaphor is a magic crystal of focusing space, time and thought, a linguistic way of connecting simultaneity and continuity of the developmtnt of culture. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of the mechanism of semantic syntagmatics of direct and figurative meanings of lexemes (iteration of denotative, connotative and potential semes; semantic consistency - compatibility of thematic zones “anthropomorphic metaphor - artifact metaphor, anthropomorphic metaphor - naturalmorphic metaphor, phytomorphic metaphor - zoomorphic metaphor”, etc.), as well as in establishing the semiotic evolution of the civilizational meanings of cultural paradigms - the historical transformation, due to the loss of denotations and referents, of the names of denotations into the characteristics of a wide range of objects: патрицианский профиль А.Ахматовой (M. Tsvetaeva) as ‘Roman’, ‘with a proud landing of the head’; марионетка ‘non-independent subject’, ‘state under external control’, барочный торт (L. Ulitskaya) ‘overly decorated’. The article proposes an algorithm for the analysis of a polymetaphorical poetic text.

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