
The article analyzes the transformation of the political image of Frederick Chiluba, President of the Republic of Zambia in 1991-2001. As a representative of a new formation of African leaders in the era of the continent’s transition from authoritarianism to political pluralism, he was an ambiguous figure. His role in the return of the multi-party system in the country and in the liberalization of the national economy is discussed. It is stressed that within the framework of the existing political culture this politician was not immune to inevitable mistakes. However, the style and methods of Chilubas leadership (persecution of his predecessor, manipulation using the ethnic factor in order to retain power, ignoring criticism of the opposition and allies) periodically led to tension in the internal situation in the country and negatively affected his political image and the image of the government in general.In 1990-2000s the negative impact of tensions between Zambian politicians who held the presidency at different times on the stability of the country was clearly manifested. The persecution of ex-President Chiluba charged with corruption demonstrated the authorities’ policy to combat this social evil, but it was ambiguously perceived and interpreted by the society and by analysts. It is noted that for all the mistakes and shortcomings of Chilubas ten-year rule, it is necessary to recognize his merits in creating the economic base of Zambia and in proclaiming it a Christian country, which was practically forgotten after his death.The article shows the gradual rehabilitation of Chilubas memory, in which all living ex-presidents and the current Head of State take part. The experience of Zambia shows that under African realities, former presidents enjoy honors and certain privileges, provided they do not participate actively in politics and do not enter into open conflicts with their successors.


  • The article analyzes the transformation of the political image of Frederick Chiluba, President of the Republic of Zambia in 1991–2001

  • The style and methods of Chiluba’s leadership periodically led to tension in the internal situation in the country and negatively affected his political image and the image of the government in general

  • OUTLINES OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATIONSImage Transformation of Frederick Chiluba, Ex-President of Zambia (Attitude to Former Presidents in African Countries)

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ТОМ 14 НОМЕР 2 2021 щие экс-президенты и нынешний глава государства. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: трансформация имиджа, профсоюзный лидер, президент, реформатор, христианская страна, конституция, коррупция, преемники, отношение к экс-президентам. Как и вся мировая история, изобилует примерами, когда глава государства, уйдя с поста (или из жизни), превращается в политического изгоя, а его имя связывают преимущественно с ошибками и даже преступлениями. Подобная трансформация имиджа лидера во многом зависит от менталитета, культурных традиций страны. В Африке отношение к лидеру, покинувшему Олимп власти, часто меняется В теоретическом плане трансформация имиджа бывшего президента является частью более широкой темы – отношения к ушедшим в отставку лидерам. Показательны метаморфозы имиджа Фредерика Чилубы (полное имя – Фредерик Джекоб Титус Чилуба) – президента Замбии в 1991–2001 гг., который принадлежал к числу африканских лидеров так называемой новой («третьей») волны. Но в последние несколько лет в стране снова заговорили о заслугах бывшего президента

Профсоюзный лидер
От имиджа реформатора к имиджу коррупционера
Новая трансформация имиджа
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