
The nature of the image plays a significant role in any image sizing algorithm. The technique of improving or condensing an image while preserving its key image quality is challenging. The resolutions of various display devices vary from one another in order to fit the image according to the resolution image sizing plays a vital role. In order to size the image a operator is introduced which will remove or insert the seam from an images based on the resolution of the device used. A seam in an image is related to the pixel path from up to down or right to left, the seam vector to be deleted for image size is defined by the image energy attribute. The Seam removal or insertion operator can be applied to an image and aspect ratio can be adjusted accordingly by continuously removing or adding a seam in the desired region of image. The collection and order of seams decides the picture quality, as described by the energy function. By storing the order of seams in an image that can continuously change to fit a given size in real time, multi-sized images can be produced.

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