
Clustering-based segmentation algorithm is one of the common methods in image segmentation. However, how to avoid the influence of the initialization and the singular value is a problem we have to face. For overcoming this problem, we proposed a new image segmentation technology which is based on the AIC criterion and not affected by the singular values. The simulation results show that the method has good performance on stability and accuracy. Image segmentation is the key step in image analysis of computer vision and image processing field. It has been widely applied in various areas such as in the process of automating production, sensing images and biomedical images. The main goal of image segmentation is to simplify an image into segments that have a strong correlation with objects in the real world. The existing segmentation algorithm can be generally divided into three classes: edge detection, region- based segmentation and data clustering. Edge detection method relies on the edges of the object with background and the other objects. For the images with noise, it is difficult to separate the boundary and the target background (1). Region- based segmentation method segments an image into several meaningful sub-domains that are non-overlapping and same- nature. But it may lead to the over-segmentation, and has to combine with other methods to use (2). Data clustering method is based on the whole image and considers the distance between each data. Advantages of data clustering method are low complexity and easy to implement. Disadvantages are sensitive to the noise and selection of the initial centroids (3). Data clustering is one of the common techniques in image segmentation. Its purpose is to cluster pixels into several parts (regions) according to the feature of image. Based on the properties of clustering algorithm, researchers have proposed various image segmentation algorithm, such as based on hierarchical clustering, based on K-means clustering, based on fuzzy clustering, based on mean shift, and so on (3-5). Clustering analysis is an unsupervised process of partitioning a data set into subsets of similar data objects. The elementary principle is as far as possible to increase the difference between categories and reduce the difference within the category. In the process of image segmentation based on data clustering, thus the objective is that the similar pixels are divided into the same regions and the non-similar pixels are divided into different regions. However, Two difficulties we must face are that how to determine the cluster centers and avoid influence of noise. In this paper, a new image segmentation algorithm is proposed based on the AIC criterion. The new segmentation technology can achieve an ideal performance and not affected by the initialization of centroids and the singular values. The simulation results verify the efficiency of proposed algorithm.

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