
Ontologies represent domain concepts and relations in a form of semantic network. Many research works use ontologies in the information matchmaking and retrieval. This trend is further accelerated by the convergence of various information sources supported by ontologies. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-modality ontology model that integrates both the low-level image features and the high-level text information to represent image contents for image retrieval. By embedding this ontology into an image retrieval system, we are able to realize intelligent image retrieval with high precision. Moreover, benefiting from the soft-coded ontology model, this system has good flexibility and can be easily extended to the larger domains. Currently, our experiment is conducted on the animal domain canine. An ontology has been built based on the low-level features and the domain knowledge of canine. A prototype retrieval system is set up to assess the performance. We compare our experiment results with traditional text-based image search engine and prove the advantages of our approach.

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