
We report the results of a simulation and reconstruction of observations of a young stellar object (YSO) jet with the LINC-NIRVANA (LN) interferometric instrument, which will be mounted on the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). This simulation has been performed in order to investigate the ability of observing the weak diffuse jet line emission against the strong IR stellar continuum through narrow band images in the H and K atmospheric windows. In general, this simulation provides clues on the image quality that could be achieved in observations with a high dynamic range. In these cases, standard deconvolution methods, such as Richardson-Lucy, do not provide satisfactory results: we therefore propose here a new method of image reconstruction. It consists in considering the image to be reconstructed as the sum of two terms: one corresponding to the star (whose position is assumed to be known) and the other to the jet. A regularization term is introduced for this second component and the reconstruction is obtained with an iterative method alternating between the two components. An analysis of the results shows that the image quality obtainable with this method is significantly improved with respect to standard deconvolution methods, reducing the number of artifacts and allowing us to reconstruct the original jet intensity distribution with an error smaller than 10%.

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