
In this paper, we propose a single chip fingerprint sensor with the algorithm processor and 16-bit MCU. The algorithm processor is a logic circuit that implements the GABOR filter and the THINNING step, which occupies 80% of the fingerprint image processing time. The rest of the algorithm is processed by embedded 16-bit MCU with small circuit volume, so all steps of the algorithm can be processed on the single chip without an external CPU. The capacitive sensing circuit was designed by applying the parasitic-insensitive integrator with the variable clock generator. The function was verified by Cadence Spectre for a 1-pixel sensor scheme and RTL and post simulation for digital blocks synthesized by Synopsys Design Compiler in 180n 2-poly 6-metal CMOS (complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) process. The layout is done by automatic P&R for the full chip in a 96 × 96 pixel array. The chip area is 5010 μm × 5710 μm (28.61 mm2) and the gate count is 2,866,700. The result is compared with a conventional one. The proposed scheme can reduce the processing time by 57%.


  • Fingerprint is the most popular biometric method for authentication

  • The processing speed of the fingerprint recognition sensor applied to the general security system is around 500 ms

  • The algorithm processor was designed by applying the Gabor filter for a binarization and the ZS algorithm for a thinning

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Fingerprint is the most popular biometric method for authentication. Minutiae-based fingerprint recognition algorithms are widely used. The processing speed of the fingerprint recognition sensor applied to the general security system is around 500 ms. 2ca.1p.aSceintasnorceDbeesitgwneen a ridge and valley is very small, with a few femtofarads The difference in capacitance between a ridge and valley is very small, with a few femtofarads. AA ppiippeelliinnee ttyyppee ccoonnttrrooll cciirrccuuiitt iiss aapppplliieedd ttoo ssiimmuullttaanneeoouussllyy ddeetteecctt tthhee nneexxtt ppiixxeell bbeeffoorree tthhee iinntteeggrraattiioonn ooff oonnee ppiixxeell iiss ccoommpplleetteedd. TThhee ppiippeelliinneedd ssccaann ddrriivveerr ccaann rreedduuccee iimmaaggee ccaappttuurree ttiimmee dramatically. FFiigguurree 33bb sshhoowwss tthhee ttiimmiinngg ddiiaaggrraamm ooff tthhee ppiippeelliinneedd ssccaann ddrriivveerr.. VA-scka1r.eAsuslta, trheesueltv,atlhueaetivoanluoaftitohneosfetnhseosrenceslolricseplleirsfopremrfoedrmeevdereyve1r6y c1l6occlkosc.kAs.sAsshoshwonwinninFiFgiugruere33, ,tthheesseennssiinngg ssiiggnnaall iiss iinntteeggrraatteedd ttoo iinnccrreeaassee tthhee oouuttppuutt vvoollttaaggee ooff tthhee sseennssoorr cceellll lliinneeaarrllyy. Matching ProTceostsailnCglock 11,5420,936,577 318,0989,862 6168,21761 4,642,71029,746100% 0.27%

Gabor Filter Design
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