
An experimental cotton color/trash meter was developed previously for the purpose of improving cotton colormeasurement by removing trash-particle effects on color measurement with image processing. In this work, the experimentalmeter was tested extensively on a large number of cotton samples varying widely in color and trash content. Testing involved:(1) comparing the measurement accuracy of the experimental meter to that of conventional meters that use diffuse reflectancefor color measurement, and (2) comparing the experimental and conventional meters ability to predict clean lint color fromthat of uncleaned lint. Results indicated that basic cotton color measurement was as accurate with the experimental meteras it was with conventional meters. Additionally, the experimental meters color measurements on uncleaned lint correlatedbetter with cleaned lint color than did those of the conventional meters in every case. With the Z (blue-band reflectance) colormeasurement, the superiority of the experimental meters correlation between uncleaned and cleaned lint color wasstatistically significant. The reduction in root-mean-square error with the experimental meter was about 14% for the Y(broad-band green reflectance) measurement and about 22% for Z. These reductions in prediction error had statistical as wellas practical significance.

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