
Abstract Introduction : The grade of reperfusion after endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke e.g. mechanical thrombectomy is determined based on the mTICI score. The mTICI score shows significant interrater variability; it is usually biased towards better reperfusion results if selfassessed by the operator. We therefore developed a semiautomated image processing technique for assessing and evaluating the degree of reperfusion independently, resulting in a more objective mTICI score. Methods: Fifty angiography datasets of patients who were treated with mechanical thrombectomy for middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion were selected from our database. Image datasets were standardized by adjustment of field of view and orientation. Based on pixel intensity features, the internal carotid artery (ICA) curve was detected automatically and used as a starting point for identifying the target downstream territory (TDT) of the MCA on the DSA series. Furthermore, a grid with predefined dimensions was used to divide the TDT into checkzones and be classified as perfused or unperfused. Results: The algorithm detected the TDT and classified each zone of the grid as perfused or unperfused. Lastly, the percentage of the perfused area in the TDT was calculated for each patient and compared to the grading of experienced clinical users. Conclusion: A semi-automatic image-processing workflow was developed to evaluate perfusion rate based on angiographic images. The approach can be used for the objective calculation of the mTICI score. The semi-automatic grading is currently feasible for MCA occlusion but can be extended for other brain territories. The work shows a starting point for a machine learning approach to achieve a fully automated system that can evaluate and give an accurate mTICI score to become a common AI-based grading standard in the coming near future.

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