
Abstract: Image piracy detection is a pressing issue on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. This issue revolves around the unauthorised use of someone else's images without their permission, a practice that not only compromises the integrity of creators' work but also leads to copyright infringement and violations of intellectual property rights. An application designed to detect image piracy could prove highly beneficial, particularly for photographers, artists, and various other creators who depend on their images for their livelihoods. The primary purpose of such an app is to safeguard the artistic and intellectual property rights of creators, ensuring that their work is not exploited without their consent. Developing a robust image piracy detection app would serve as a critical tool for creators, offering protection against the misuse of their content. In practice, this means the app scans the platform for instances of potentially plagiarised content and promptly notifies the content owner. For creators, this kind of solution is essential, as it allows them to focus on their creative endeavours with confidence, knowing that their work is less likely to be stolen or profited from without their knowledge. It represents a shield against the unlawful reproduction of images and provides a legal basis for action in case of copyright infringement. Image piracy detection app is the prevention of unlawful profits. Unauthorised use of someone else's images often results in financial losses for creators. These apps play a pivotal role in mitigating such losses by flagging and addressing instances of infringement. Additionally, they educate users about the proper use of content, fostering a culture of respect for creators' rights and fair content usage. Furthermore, the presence of these tools acts as a deterrent, discouraging potential infringers from misusing images in the first place, which, in turn, reduces the occurrence of piracy

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